Note to self

image credit - Pinterest

If I were to write a note to self during this exact moment in time this is what it would say…

Keep going. Keep pushing. One day you will get there just as you have before when you’ve pushed to be exactly where you are right now. Have the confidence and know that you will always get through every challenge you are faced with as there hasn’t been one that has defeated you yet. 

Be kind to yourself. You can be your own worst enemy sometimes. You are stronger mentally and physically than you believe or will ever know. Try not to take life too seriously as you’ve only got a certain amount of time to make it as enjoyable as possible. Don’t let the opinions, thoughts and attitudes of others get you down. This is a reflection of them and not of yourself. 

Keep sharing your wit, sense of humour and that silly side people don’t often get to see. Keep caring for others, keep having an opinion, keep being emotional and keep using your voice to share your thoughts and feelings. Not everyone will want to hear them but there will be enough that will. 

Some people will love you for who you are and some people won’t but that is okay. Don’t live your life for anyone other than yourself. 

Keep doing what you are doing. Keep being you. 


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